Thursday, 6 October 2011


Life's funny if you ask me. we all go through life wanting to get to know people and socialise and when we get our chance we either get the arseholes or the truly valuable friends.
Most friends you make are arseholes in one form or another but they're what i refer to as filler friends. people you hang with till your proper friends turn up.
Now these friends are ten a penny and come and go but they do serve a use at a time. It maybe alittle harsh for me to say this but its true we all think like this some times.
i myself don't have many friends who i'd class as being close but thats because i don't trust easily any more.
the second set of friends or the keepers as i think of them are the ones who'll stick by you no matter what. Always there with a shoulder to cry or alittle advice when you need it or just someone who makes you laugh.
now i've had friendships that have lasted a ling time and some that haven't and even dated a few friends but its always the same ones who have stuck by me that i've ended up been one of the arsehole friends and that saddens me because i've ended up through my own stupidty losing a very good friend and i don't have many to lose.
Recently i've been chatting to a really good friend and i think she could very well be one of those that will in time be one of my most valuable friends even ( dare i say it ) maybe more then just a freind.
i mean don't get me wrong if it does go badly i'll have lost another good friend but on the other side of the coin if i don't then i could miss out on a really really great thing.
its like we get on soooo well togehter we seem to get each other you know what i mean.
it's like i don't have to try and be someone else and she really likes me for me and i think thats what has had the biggest impact on me.
you'll probably read this and think what a tit but hey its my blogg not yours lol